Licensed Clinical Social Worker
State of California
Masters in Social Work
San Francisco State University
BA Psychology
University of Michigan
Private Practice, San Francisco, 1985-present
I have provided individual and couples
psychotherapy in private practice for 22 years
with a focus on working with gay and bisexual men.
Refer to my services for areas of specialization.
Mental Health
Community Behavioral Health Services, San Francisco, 1994-96
I provided psychotherapy and case management services for lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) clients with mental health and substance
abuse issues at the LGBT focused Mission Team II Clinic.
Department of Health, San Francisco, 1988-94
I developed and directed HIV prevention, testing, and early
care services with the City Clinic for Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
I also coordinated the HIV social work services at five public health centers.
United States Department of Health and Human Services, Washington D.C., 1989
I authored and presented a report on Gay and Lesbian Youth Suicide published
by the federal government.
San Francisco State University, San Francisco, 1986-87
I was a guest lecturer and instructor for undergraduate courses on
Contemporary Sexuality and Drugs and Society for the Health Sciences Department.
Youth Services
Huckleberry House, San Francisco, 1978-84
I developed and supervised services for runaway and homeless
youth including counseling, housing, transition, and employment
services with a focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.
Addiction in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &
Transgender Community, 2007
Creating Inclusive Services for Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Youth, 2007
Mental Health Management and Supervision, 2007
Cognitive Therapy with Mood Disorders, 2006
Counseling with Choice Therapy: The New Reality Therapy, 2006
Law, Ethics & Supervision, 2006
Aging & Long Term Care, 2005
Psychological Treatment of Personality Disorders, 2005
Spousal and Partner Abuse, 2004
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), 2003
Understanding Psychopharmacology, 2003
Stress Management, 2002
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 2002
Cognitive Therapy of the Treatment of Anxiety, 2000
Understanding Depression, 2000
Supervision: Legal, Ethical and Clinical Issues, 2000
Treatment of Substance Abuse and Related Issues, 1999
Working with Couples: A Practical Guide for Therapists, 1999
HIV/AIDS: Effective Treatment Options, 1999